Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life Happened and it's One Big Potty!

There are things that just don't even enter your head that very well may be the reasons that God designed parenting to be by two rather than one. Like one kid needing to go to the bathroom during a movie. Do you let him go alone? No. Do you leave her in the theater alone? No. You take them both. Into the ladies room. With you. I probably took Will into the ladies room until he was a little too old to go in the ladies room. Oh yes, we're that entire family that says "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse us, sorry, oops (as we kick over your drink)" while moving in front of the movie/game, probably at a really good part or play. Try a truck stop on a long drive. When she is asleep in her car seat, and he needs to go potty. I swear I have pulled off at some rather uninhabited looking exits and let him go on the side of the road to avoid that one. These things never, not once, entered my thoughts until they happened.

One day, in the throws of my divorce, I leave my office and am headed to pick up the kids from daycare when it happens. You know it. It is that rumble in your tummy that depending on it's exact location and volume provides you all the information you need to know to know how long you have. I didn't have long. So I hurried. And of course, I rush in, sign the kids out in negative time, and they are moving as fast as dead sloths. "Hurry, hurry, hurry kids!" I urge. "Why are we in a huwwy Mommy?" Rachel asks. This is the part where you can't say, "Because I'm about to sh*t my pants Rachel." So you use the one word answer that isn't an answer at all, but together with the tone that ends the questions right then - "Becauuuuse." Will climbs in his seat and buckles himself. Rachel still needs help, so I throw her in, and wrap the seatbelt around her as if I'm in a race. And I am. My tummy has told me so several times. I fly through the parking lot and neighborhood without looking both ways, not signaling, saying "Come on, come on, come on…" to every car that isn't doing it Andretti style. I explain to Will and Rachel "Ok, when we get home, Mommy is going to run straight in the house because she has to potty. You can get yourselves out right?" To which Rachel immediately says "No." "Oh, come on Ray, you're a big girl, you can do it." "No." So I fly into the driveway, jump out, throw her door open, yank her seatbelt off, yank her out and put her down, and turn and run for the door. I hear "Mooooommy, pick me up!" I look over my shoulder, and she is standing there with her little arms up in the air. I can't leave my child in the driveway crying with her arms outstretched. I run back to her, pick her up and run for the door. I open the door, and past me flies our dog. I yell for him to come back (or did I?), but then I see the mess. Our weimeraner, Merlin, was psychotic. He could not be left in the house alone. Somehow on this day, the back door was left open, and he let himself in. In to the cupboards and pantry. He could chew whole cans and he did. He emptied their contents all over the rug, two entire cans of ravioli. He helped himself to boxes of cereal, which because he was missing an opposable thumb, he opened by shredding. There was a mess in every room. He enjoyed the offerings of the cat box, and left what he didn't enjoy wherever. I sat Rachel down in the doorway and ran for the bathroom. Now the problems with being a single mom and bathrooms don't stop at the kids. As the only person in the house that can make decisions past which "vidweo" to watch, I can not close the bathroom door. So there I am when Will announces that he is going to go look for Merlin. I yell down the stairs "Will, you may stand on the front porch and call for him, but you can't go any further than that until I am done, ok?" "Ok Mommy" he answers. A few moments later I hear the distinct voice of an unidentifiable male "Hello?" I freeze, using seldom used muscles to make certain that I don't give away my position. Perhaps someone bringing back Merlin? But where is Will? He should be on the front porch talking to whoever this stranger is…no, that can't be good. I answer from my pearly perch, "Umm, uh can I help you?" "Yeah, um, I'm from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and I was wondering" "No", I cut him off, "we don't need the paper thank you. Um, do you see a little boy out there?" "Do what?" he asked. My voice was a little more urgent, "A little boy, a little red headed boy? Do you see him anywhere?" I asked. "No, but we're running a special right now" "I do not need or want the paper", I cut him off again, more insistent this time. "Oh ok" he says, and I am hoping left. I call to Rachel. "Rachel?" Her little voice comes from the exact spot where I put her down, "Mommy Merwin made a big mess." "I know honey, and just as soon as I am done, I'm going to clean it up. Do you see Will anywhere?" "No" she answers. I quietly unroll the toilet paper, and I do not flush just in case that man was still there somewhere. I would hate for the paper salesman to know that I poop. I come downstairs, and walk outside and call for Will. When he comes around the side of the house, I remind him that he was not supposed to go anywhere but the front porch. He tells me that he was just looking in the back yard in case Merlin decided to go back there.

I put the kids on the couch in front of the television so that I can clean the mess. An hour later, I get started on dinner. I feed the kids, and apologize to them for a hectic evening. I am exhausted, but I offer to make chocolate pudding. Why? Because chocolate will make it all better. I get a bowl, I pour the milk, I open the powdery package and dump it in. I go to throw the box away, and as I turn around, in that millisecond between the Oh and no, Rachel has her little dimpled hand on the rim of the bowl. She just wanted to look in it, but some how when you're lower than the counter the only way to do this is to pull it down to you. Milk and brown powder went everywhere, including the drawer I had left open when I pulled the wire whisk from it. I literally sat on the floor of the kitchen, put my head in my hands and began laughing and crying at the same time. Little hands wrapped themselves around me, and her little voices asked "Ut happened Mommy?" And I looked up at her and said, "Life happened baby, life." Because all of this was our life. Every mess, every mess up. We've learned to manage the intricacies of public restrooms and we eventually got the paper. Oh, and I went back and flushed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The tooth will set you free!

My little angel had 3 teeth pulled yesterday. Her first big girl tooth “peeked” through quite a bit behind the others a couple weeks ago. When I called the dentist out of concern for Rachel's looks and my bank account (priorities people), they scheduled an appointment to see us, but said that we should just wiggle the tooth in front of it a lot. We did, and by the time our appointment rolled around, that tooth was almost out. BUT, the problem was that the new tooth spanned 3 of her little baby teeth, and the other two weren’t loose at all. I really expected it to be a wasted trip - the dentist to look at her and send us on our way. I thought maybe they would pull that one tooth, but when we got in, the assistant started her on the gas and prepped the table for what looked like exploratory surgery on an adult rhino. Needless to say, it got hot instantly. Mommy’s palms were sweating, and the room seemed to get smaller. A lot of numbing (of the wrong person in my opinion) went down, then it was on or atleast I think it was. I turned my head. Don't judge. I considered the waiting room, but guessed that isn't what good mommies (or non-weenies) do...He pulled the loose one without a word, the second with nothing much either, but the third Ray gave a little whimper. I came right to her aid in my heart. He gave her more numbing stuff, and then out with the last one – which had a FULL ROOT! They packed her little holes and sent us on our way. She has been such a trooper, not one tear! She did have lots of questions about the tooth fairy… Some time ago Will found his first tooth, and asked why the tooth fairy had left it. Simple, I explained… Uhhh, ummm….errr, you see…the tooth fairy is very “green”. She believes in recycling, and she left that tooth for Rachel (who had no teeth at the time). “Oh” was his response, and off to play he was. So last night, I explained that the tooth fairy was much like Santa – if you weren’t in bed, they just skip your house. Rachel was in bed in negative time, and I was left to hopefully stay awake until she wasn’t so that I could exchange the under pillow goods. She screams “MOooooomma!” from here room and I go running…”Momma, does the tooth fairy walk or fly?” I tried to remember if and how I had answered this question before... When my memory fails me, I answer a question with a question…”Don’t all fairies fly?” She exclaims “That is what I thought. What if she hits her head on my fan?” I quickly calm that fear by telling her about all the less fortunate children who have lower ceilings than us… Good night Ray. Good night Momma. “MOOOOoooooommmmaaaa!” again, of course right as I reach the bottom of the stairs. To the top I go, “Yes Ray?” again. “Momma, I have to sleep with my mouth open, and I’m not sure I can!” I ask why. “Because Momma! Because you said that if I wasn’t out of pull ups by the time I lost my first tooth that I would have to sleep with my mouth open so that the tooth fairy wouldn’t think I was a baby because babies wear pull up and babies don’t lose teeth – just big girls!” To which I sigh a big long sigh and decide that the truth will set me free…and I say shaking my head, “Ray, Ray, Ray, Ray….Uhhh, ummm….err, you see, Dentist’s have an in with the tooth fairy and they have to call and let her know when a tooth has been pulled and didn’t come out all by itself. Dr. Lorenz told her all about you.” The tooth fairy slipped in and out sometime in the night, taking her small lot of 3 teeth and leaving a $10 spot. Rachel is over the moon! A picture of Gappy is to come!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rachel's Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Last year, Rachel was accepted to start this fall at Fair Park Elementary. It is a one-of-a-kind all four-year-old pre-kindergarten, a sort of start up that has won all kinds of awards an accolades from the state and nationally. Fair Park gets the top administrators, teachers, and staff, and we are so very thankful to be there! These pictures are from Mrs. Brown's class' field trip to the Pumpkin Patch this fall.

Justa' Swingin'
The girls- Clara, Rachel, and Grace

Mrs. Brown's Busy Bees...and believe me, they were busy!

Rachel got a nail painting kit for her birthday last year. I've become quite talented in the art of nailery. I haven't mastered the airbrush or bedazzler quite yet, but here she proudly shows her black cats, candy corn, ghosts, bats, witches hats, and Frankenstiens.

Isn't that a cute little goat she is petting? Don't worry, I had the germ juice in hand.

I had no idea picking a pumpkin was such a difficult descision...

But alas! Yes, it is bigger than her, but it was the perfect pumpkin!

Friday, December 12, 2008

our 2008 Christmas card

It's here! The moment you've all been waiting for!!! Click here to see our 2008 Christmas card:

Also available for a limited time under our links to funny stuff. Hopefully I'll get off my keister and you'll get a real one in the mail soon...wink!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm no princess

A glimpse into the making of a princess...sort of...maybe...kinda...(I love this series!)

What do you mean I can't fly?

Are you sure? I have a magic wand and a glue stick...

I just made my big brother a frog!

Friday, October 10, 2008


In the words of Cindy Morgan: Thank you Lord. How could I ask for more?

As luck would have it...

I'm no photographer, but sometimes I get lucky. Really lucky, and my pictures are priceless (even if just to me). Here are the ones that take my breath away every time I look at them (I''ll post 'em as I take 'em, and maybe as I find 'em).

Will's first play in the sprinkler. He was, and still is, the happiest kid.

My little monkey, a.k.a Rachel's second Halloween

Sometimes I think she just tolerates the rest of us...

But her brother still loves her, and has from day one. Look at that face! SOOOO sweet.

Fields and fields of daffodils, but only one Rachel

Her first birthday

Right after bath; she always smelled so sweet

I wish I knew what goes on in that little always seems that those wheels are turning.

These two shots are from our annual trip to Destin, two separate years, but both when they were three and equally as amazing.

Quite possibly my favorite picture ever. I love that it isn't perfect; she is off-center, and the light is all wrong, but it is so her.