Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rachel's Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Last year, Rachel was accepted to start this fall at Fair Park Elementary. It is a one-of-a-kind all four-year-old pre-kindergarten, a sort of start up that has won all kinds of awards an accolades from the state and nationally. Fair Park gets the top administrators, teachers, and staff, and we are so very thankful to be there! These pictures are from Mrs. Brown's class' field trip to the Pumpkin Patch this fall.

Justa' Swingin'
The girls- Clara, Rachel, and Grace

Mrs. Brown's Busy Bees...and believe me, they were busy!

Rachel got a nail painting kit for her birthday last year. I've become quite talented in the art of nailery. I haven't mastered the airbrush or bedazzler quite yet, but here she proudly shows her black cats, candy corn, ghosts, bats, witches hats, and Frankenstiens.

Isn't that a cute little goat she is petting? Don't worry, I had the germ juice in hand.

I had no idea picking a pumpkin was such a difficult descision...

But alas! Yes, it is bigger than her, but it was the perfect pumpkin!

Friday, December 12, 2008

our 2008 Christmas card

It's here! The moment you've all been waiting for!!! Click here to see our 2008 Christmas card:

Also available for a limited time under our links to funny stuff. Hopefully I'll get off my keister and you'll get a real one in the mail soon...wink!