Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm ashamed of myself...

So many pictures, so little I'll try to catch you up. I mean its only been since '07, if that tells you how wonderfully filled our lives are! I'm sure I'll have to fill in the gaps, but we've celebrated Will's 8th birthday on August 29th (I know, can you believe it?)! He got a Wii and ran around in circles in excitement. We also took he and his best friend, Austin, to Magic Springs for a day. I think he had a good birthday, but you can be the judge...

Will discovers his Wii. NO, not that one! His Nintendo Wii

It wasn't in the box long. The Wii that is. Can you tell Rachel, thankfully, has no idea what a Wii is? I'm sure Will is happy with that.

Will's card from Granny and Grandpa who are financing his college one card at a time. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Austin and Will worn out from all their fun in the sun

Two sweet boys who didn't mind Will's little sister coming along

Nothing like rides, slides, and getting all sugared up to make the ride home super fun!

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